Your Opportunity to Become a Travel Companion
As an independent entrepreneur, I do not hire or employ others to work for me.
However, if you desire to become a Senior Travel Companion, you may be interested to know that I have partnered with Jan Dougherty, a nurse, innovator and dementia care specialist to create a program to train and certify current and future travel companions.
We have registered Certified Senior TravALZ Companions, LLP and are holding our next weekend workshop in Minneapolis in September, 2023. Our comprehensive yet concise training will focus on education about dementia and other mental and physical disabilities that you may encounter, as well as planning the logistics of a trip, how to set up a business and market it, and tips, tricks and travel resources to ensure that you, too, can get your clients safely and comfortably to their destinations. Training will include lectures, power point presentations, panels and demonstrations with interactive elements. Jan's book, Travel Well With Dementia, will be included in the materials provided, as well as tools to get you started. Once certified, you will be listed on our website and we can refer new clients to you. program. Details are available on our website: www.CertifiedSeniorTravALZCompanions.com.